Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media written by Morie, Jacquelyn Ford, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media", which was released on 06 December 2019. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Social Science genre.

Summary of Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media by Morie, Jacquelyn Ford PDF

The world is witnessing a media revolution similar to the birth of the film industry from the early 20th Century. New forms of media are expanding the human experience from passive viewership to active participants, surrounding and enveloping us in ways film or television never could. New immersive media forms include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (XR), fulldome, CAVEs, holographic characters, projection mapping, and mixed experimental combinations of old and new, live, and generated media. With the continued expansion beyond the traditional frame, practitioners are crafting these new media to see how they can influence and shape the world. The Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media is a collection of innovative research that provides insights on the latest in existing and emerging immersive technologies through descriptions of case studies, new business models, philosophical viewpoints, and scientific findings. While highlighting topics including augmented reality, interactive media, and spatial computing, this book is ideally designed for media technologists, storytellers, artists, journalists, designers, programmers, developers, manufacturers, entertainment executives, content creators, industry professionals, academicians, researchers, and media students.

Detail About Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media PDF

  • Author : Morie, Jacquelyn Ford
  • Publisher : IGI Global
  • Genre : Social Science
  • Total Pages : 539 pages
  • ISBN : 1799824349
  • PDF File Size : 32,6 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 5/5 from 1 reviews

Clicking on the GET BOOK button will initiate the downloading process of Handbook of Research on the Global Impacts and Roles of Immersive Media by Morie, Jacquelyn Ford. This book is available in ePub and PDF format with a single click unlimited downloads.


Handbook of Research on the Societal Impact of Digital Media

Handbook of Research on the Societal Impact of Digital Media
  • Publisher : IGI Global
  • File Size : 32,8 Mb
  • Release Date : 27 August 2015

The evolution of digital media has enhanced global perspectives in all facets of communication, greatly increasing the range, scope, and accessibility of shared information. Due to the tremendously broad-reaching influence