Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia written by Maritine Podesto, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia", which was released on 22 July 2010. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Families genre.

Summary of Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia by Maritine Podesto PDF

The essential home reference to medical conditions, illnesses, the body's systems and ongoing good health. Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia is a revolutionary visual guide to the human body and the medical conditions that affect it, which can sometimes be diagnosed simply by how a patient "looks." It features hundreds of fine photographs and startlingly precise medical illustrations that explain the human body and detail more than 400 medical conditions and illnesses, from the most common and benign to the rarest and most serious. These illustrations were produced by a team of medical illustrators according to a rigorous methodology, allowing for unprecedented views of the entire human body that have an unparalleled degree of realism. All illustrations were designed with the very latest technology and have been validated by a team of more than 300 physicians, medical specialists and university professors. The entire human body is revealed and recreated through a unique approach to medical imagery. By precisely illustrating and examining every physiological system of the human body, this comprehensive reference book gives the reader a base from which to understand illnesses and conditions and their symptoms, including the mechanisms that cause cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, depression and sleep disorders. For example, the heart is examined in minute detail and then angina, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, angioplasty and coronary bypass surgery are fully illustrated and discussed. The comprehensive coverage includes: Human cells, blood, the immune system Skin, bones and muscles The nervous and sensory systems The cardiovascular and respiratory systems The digestive and urinary systems The endocrine system Reproduction, childhood and adolescence Alternative care Medical devices, from stents to prosthetic hips There is also expert guidance on how to maintain good health, and general topics such as pregnancy, child growth, nutrition, physical exercise and aging are also addressed. The expert biological and medical information is complemented by a practical index of symptoms that helps readers decide whether to consult a doctor or not. There is also a directory of resources for those wanting to access more information. From how organs work to what causes cancer to grow to whether or not vitamins are useful, easy to understand descriptions and expert, practical advice make Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia an essential guide to the well-being of the entire family.

Detail About Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia PDF

  • Author : Maritine Podesto
  • Publisher : Anonim
  • Genre : Families
  • Total Pages : 608 pages
  • ISBN : 9781554077328
  • PDF File Size : 55,8 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

Clicking on the GET BOOK button will initiate the downloading process of Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia by Maritine Podesto. This book is available in ePub and PDF format with a single click unlimited downloads.


Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia

Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia
  • Publisher : Unknown Publisher
  • File Size : 51,6 Mb
  • Release Date : 22 July 2010

The essential home reference to medical conditions, illnesses, the body's systems and ongoing good health. Ultimate Canadian Medical Encyclopedia is a revolutionary visual guide to the human body and the

The Ultimate Medical Encyclopedia

The Ultimate Medical Encyclopedia
  • Publisher : Unknown Publisher
  • File Size : 43,8 Mb
  • Release Date : 11 June 2024

Provides information on a variety of medical conditions, illnesses, the systems of the body, and how to maintain good health.

The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

The Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
  • Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
  • File Size : 49,9 Mb
  • Release Date : 27 November 2012

Natural solutions for a healthy, happy lifestyle As Canadians have become more health-conscious than ever, more and more people want alternative solutions to health problems rather than conventional medical practices