The Holocaust Sites of Europe Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled The Holocaust Sites of Europe written by Martin Winstone, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "The Holocaust Sites of Europe", which was released on 30 June 2010. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the History genre.

Summary of The Holocaust Sites of Europe by Martin Winstone PDF

The Holocaust - the murder of approximately six million Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators in World War Two - is the gravest crime in recorded history, committed on a human and geographical scale which is almost unimaginable. To try to bridge this gap and better understand the true significance of the Holocaust, as well as its scale and magnitude, millions of people each year now travel to the former camps, ghettos and other settings for the atrocities. The Holocaust Sites of Europe offers the first comprehensive guide to these sites, including much practical information as well as the historical context. It will be an indispensable guide for anyone seeking to add another layer to their understanding of the Holocaust by visiting these important sites for themselves. This guide includes a survey of all the major Holocaust sites in Europe, from Belgium and Belarus to Serbia and Ukraine. It includes not only the notorious concentration and death camps, such as Auschwitz and Ravensbruck, but also less well known examples, such as Sered' in Slovakia, together with detailed descriptions of massacre sites, as well as the ghettos, 'Euthanasia' centres and Roma and Sinti sites which witnessed similar crimes.Throughout the book there is also extensive reference to the many museums and memorials which commemorate the Holocaust. The Holocaust Sites of Europe is a thoughtful and fitting guide to some of the most traumatic sites in Europe and will be an invaluable companion for those who wish to honour the victims and to understand more about their fate. As the experience of the Holocaust recedes from living memory and the number of survivors (and perpetrators) diminishes with every passing year, these locations assume a greater importance as the principal physical reminders of what happened. Alongside the testimonies of survivors and the works of historians, the experience of, for example, exploring the vast ruins of Birkenau, or being shocked by the small area needed to kill nearly one million people at Treblinka, can bring another dimension to one's understanding. The Holocaust Sites of Europe is a thoughtful and fitting guide to some of the most traumatic sites in Europe and will be an invaluable companion for everyone who wants to honour the victims and to understand more about their fate.

Detail About The Holocaust Sites of Europe PDF

  • Author : Martin Winstone
  • Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing
  • Genre : History
  • Total Pages : 456 pages
  • ISBN : 0857713310
  • PDF File Size : 54,9 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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