Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome Based Adult Learning Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome Based Adult Learning written by Jones, Janice E., available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome Based Adult Learning", which was released on 01 May 2024. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Education genre.

Summary of Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome Based Adult Learning by Jones, Janice E. PDF

Education has faced massive changes in recent years and is currently undergoing even more radical developments, especially with the shift towards using digital technologies and tools in the classroom. In addition, the introduction of many new nontraditional strategies for learning has changed the face of education. Within higher education specifically, adult learners have seen a rise in these changes and must adapt to the new strategies at hand. Similarly, adult educators must cope with these new instructional strategies to create optimal learning environments and classrooms that promote success for adult learners. With the need for educators to be aware of these new digital advancements and teaching strategies, it is vital for outcome-based learning to be studied in the context of incorporating educational technologies and new learning techniques. Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome-Based Adult Learning discusses the latest advancements in adult learning as well as learning assessments to identify adult learner success. It adds to the pertinent research with an update of new information, tools, tips, and techniques for working with the adult learner in the modern educational environment. By highlighting a broad range of topics such as instructional design, experiential learning, formative assessments, competency-based education, and more, this book is ideally designed for teachers, administrators, curriculum developers, instructional designers, academicians, educational professionals, researchers, and upper-level students seeking current research on instructional design and outcome-based learning for adult learners.

Detail About Strategies and Digital Advances for Outcome Based Adult Learning PDF

  • Author : Jones, Janice E.
  • Publisher : IGI Global
  • Genre : Education
  • Total Pages : 253 pages
  • ISBN : 1799847497
  • PDF File Size : 10,5 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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