So You Think You Can Write Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled So You Think You Can Write written by Julia McCoy, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "So You Think You Can Write ", which was released on 18 April 2016. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the genre.

Summary of So You Think You Can Write by Julia McCoy PDF

Confused by the overload of blogs, articles, and guides that promise you everything you need to know on how to write for the web? Not sure where to start with your blog and website, from optimizing for search to creating the best headline? Or how to take your writing skills to the next level and actually market yourself and make money as a professional online freelance writer? In So You Think You Can Write?, you'll learn every skill it takes to write great copy for the web, from the absolute fundamentals of using storytelling in great online content all the way to knowing how to write for both search engines and people, what it takes to craft different forms of content on the web, and much more; plus, there's a bonus chapter revealing how to market yourself and make income as an online copywriter in an modern world. Written by Julia McCoy, who spent years of her life teaching herself the elements of successful online writing and launched a writing business that hit seven figures within five years, this book is your essential blueprint to learning what it takes to write great online copy, both as a freelancer and brand/business owner. In this book, Julia walks you step-by-step through the process of how to craft the seven forms of online content: 1. Web Content 2. Blogging 3. Social Media 4. Advertising/Sales Copy 5. Industry Writing 6. Journalism 7. Creative Writing Julia also takes you through the basics of SEO (search engine optimization) for the online writer and creator, without overloading you: you'll get a key list of the top tools on the web to research keywords, learn how to hone your best key phrases, and the tactics of how and where to place them in your content. Illustrated, easy-to-understand, and fun to read, this is a comprehensive yet digestible resource for writers and businesses alike on how to create successful online content. After you read this book, you'll be able to: Define your audience and the terms they use to search in Google Write great content that will get picked up by Google Know the basics of what it takes to write all seven forms of online copy Create blogs that are evergreen and engaging Know how to write the "secret" bits of copy that search engines love: meta descriptions, tags and more Know how to use Twitter chats, live streaming, and Facebook groups, and other platforms to find your people and confidently market yourself as a writer Access a comprehensive list of online writing tools and resources in the final Appendix Julia McCoy has built a successful freelance writing career and a multi-million dollar copywriting agency out of nothing but the amount of hard work, time, and self-teaching she put into it: and she believes any writer has what it takes to create great online content, provided they learn the essential tactics of adapting to all online copy forms. But she knows it's hard to find these fundamental teachings in one place: which is why she decided to write a book to offer everyone just that opportunity. A writer and internet marketer from an early age, Julia started three companies, enrolled in college, and wrote a book by 16. At 20, she dropped out of nursing school and left McDonald's to make a career out of her passion in online writing. Her writing agency, Express Writers, has over 70 team writers and strategists; and Julia's clients have included Shopify, PayPal, Staples, and a thousand other worldwide businesses of all sizes. Julia is also the creator of #ContentWritingChat, a Twitter chat that's hit #42 on Twitter; hosts The Write Podcast on iTunes; and writes at The Write Blog, Content Marketing Institute, Search Engine Journal, and a large amount of online publications.

Detail About So You Think You Can Write PDF

  • Author : Julia McCoy
  • Publisher : Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
  • Genre :
  • Total Pages : 188 pages
  • ISBN : 9781519383228
  • PDF File Size : 14,7 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 5/5 from 1 reviews

Clicking on the GET BOOK button will initiate the downloading process of So You Think You Can Write by Julia McCoy. This book is available in ePub and PDF format with a single click unlimited downloads.


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