Redefining Theory and Practice to Guide Social Transformation Emerging Research and Opportunities Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled Redefining Theory and Practice to Guide Social Transformation Emerging Research and Opportunities written by Fisher-Yoshida, Beth, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "Redefining Theory and Practice to Guide Social Transformation Emerging Research and Opportunities", which was released on 25 December 2020. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Social Science genre.

Summary of Redefining Theory and Practice to Guide Social Transformation Emerging Research and Opportunities by Fisher-Yoshida, Beth PDF

The application of theory to practice in addressing social transformation still has a lot of room for growth and improvement. This is also true of theory being informed by practice. Too often, there are gaps between what is studied in the academy and what is needed in the field. The academy develops theories in isolation from the everyday lives of people, especially in post-conflict environments. Communities seeking innovative ways to address their social needs can benefit from the learning of theories and research conducted within academia. At the same time, these methods need to be relevant to the local contexts within which they are being used. While there are certain norms of communication in the academy of how research is conducted and disseminated, there needs to be a translation into practical terms to be used in the field. Redefining Theory and Practice to Guide Social Transformation: Emerging Research and Opportunities addresses the need practitioners and social change agents have in finding processes and practices to use in the field to engage with and transform communities. This critical reference book provides an innovative fieldwork method that leads to social transformation and suggests ways to further develop the relationship between academic theories and practices around social conflicts with the existing local knowledge. The chapters include mini case studies that have been developed over the years from the authors’ work with youth and community leaders with the objective of providing a methodology that allows practitioners to approach the field by engaging with local actors in ways that are generative and trustworthy, yet rigorous. While highlighting the practices, notions, and technologies that are at work in conflict, post-conflict, or transitioning out of conflict settings by local community leaders, this book is ideally for practitioners in the field of conflict, peacebuilding, and social and conflict transformation; community leaders and social organizers; as well as practitioners, stakeholders, researchers, academicians, and students interested in social transformation.

Detail About Redefining Theory and Practice to Guide Social Transformation Emerging Research and Opportunities PDF

  • Author : Fisher-Yoshida, Beth
  • Publisher : IGI Global
  • Genre : Social Science
  • Total Pages : 200 pages
  • ISBN : 1799866297
  • PDF File Size : 16,9 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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Public Affairs Education and Training in the 21st Century

Public Affairs Education and Training in the 21st Century
  • Publisher : IGI Global
  • File Size : 50,9 Mb
  • Release Date : 17 September 2021

Since the beginning of the 20th century, public administration (PA) departments have been established, primarily in the USA and later in other Western countries, and education in the field of