A New Theory of Cure Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled A New Theory of Cure written by Tracy D Kolenchuk, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "A New Theory of Cure", which was released on 08 September 2021. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Medical genre.

Summary of A New Theory of Cure by Tracy D Kolenchuk PDF

Our current theory of cure isn’t working. When did it stop? Today, we can’t cure most diseases. When cured – few can be proven cured. Even the common cold, the flu, and measles. I’ve had them all, cured. Over 99 percent of cases are cured, while medical theory “there is no cure for…” The same is true for many other diseases. We need a theory of cure that encompasses every curable medical condition or disease. This book is the first step on that path. Cure is defined by cause. Every curable medical condition has a present cause that, when addressed, results in a cure. Of course, many diseases are compound and complex, having multiple causes often causing other diseases themselves. There is plenty of complexity. To study cure, we simplify first and then build our understanding from a solid foundation. There are exactly two basic types of illness causes, resulting in exactly two types of cures. An element of illness has a single cause. The cause of an illness might be found in diet, body, mind, spirit, community or environment of the afflicted. The illness element is cured when the cause has been successfully addressed. Once an illness is cured, that cure is permanent. No cure is permanent. If the cause occurs again, a new illness might occur. This logic applies to every cure. Cures are forward movements in life. We can only go forward in life, not backwards. No cure is perfect. Perfect cures are a myth. Real cures are real. Both healing and curing function by addressing the basic causes of illness. Healing cures are unconscious intentional actions that successfully address the cause of an illness. No healing cure is perfect - even when the results are better than before. Curing consists of intentional personal, community, and medical actions that address the cause of an illness. Caring is attention by self and community to address the signs and symptoms of disease, to aid and facilitate healthy tolerance of the signs and symptoms of disease and to aid and facilitate cures.

Detail About A New Theory of Cure PDF

  • Author : Tracy D Kolenchuk
  • Publisher : Tracy D. Kolenchuk
  • Genre : Medical
  • Total Pages : 77 pages
  • ISBN :
  • PDF File Size : 34,6 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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A New Theory of Cure

A New Theory of Cure
  • Publisher : Tracy D. Kolenchuk
  • File Size : 53,9 Mb
  • Release Date : 08 September 2021

Our current theory of cure isn’t working. When did it stop? Today, we can’t cure most diseases. When cured – few can be proven cured. Even the common cold,