Sandy Beach Morphodynamics

Sandy Beach Morphodynamics

Sandy beaches represent some of the most dynamic environments on Earth and examining their morphodynamic behaviour over different temporal and spatial scales is challenging, relying on multidisciplinary approaches and techniques. Sandy Beach Morphodynamics brings together the latest research on beach

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Stalked by the Kraken

Stalked by the Kraken

A matchmaking witch, an ancient sea creature, and the sex contract they make. Welcome to the Love Bathhouse where desire and acceptance are in the water. The Witch Celibacy is a bad look for a matchmaker. Especially a matchmaker who

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Anne Frank

Anne Frank

A thirteen-year-old Dutch-Jewish girl records her impressions of the two years (1942-1944) she and seven others spent hiding from the Nazis before they were discovered and taken to concentration camps.

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Master Your Emotions

Master Your Emotions

Discover the best way to Master Your Emotions and develop true Emotional Intelligence! Are you tired of letting your emotions get the better of you? Are you sick of feeling overwhelmed by your emotions when you know you should have

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