The Autistic Brain

The Autistic Brain

Offers the latest research and science on autism, including new neuroimaging and genetic research that provide new theories on what causes autism spectrum disorders as well as new ways to treat and diagnose them.

Detail BookThe Autistic Brain

Generation Rx

Generation Rx

A probing look at the state of the nation's health in the midst of a pharmaceutical revolution concludes that America's love affair with drugs is radically transforming the nation, beginning with the youngest generation.

Detail BookGeneration Rx

The Glass Room

The Glass Room

High on a Czechoslovak hill, the Landauer House shines as a wonder of steel and glass. This radiant 1930s house, with its unique Glass Room, quickly tarnishes as the storm clouds of WW2 gather. The house passes from hand to

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Government in America

Government in America

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Learn how American politics affect public policy Government in America : People, Politics

Detail BookGovernment in America