Deluxe Anthology of Jazz Violin Styles Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled Deluxe Anthology of Jazz Violin Styles written by Glenn Asch and David Reiner, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "Deluxe Anthology of Jazz Violin Styles", which was released on 28 March 2019. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Music genre.

Summary of Deluxe Anthology of Jazz Violin Styles by Glenn Asch and David Reiner PDF

For more than a century, violinists have played jazz, swing, blues and similar improvisational styles. With its rich tone, considerable range, and bowed rhythms and phrasing, the violin offers a unique opportunity for a creative and personal statement as a musician. This book presents a broad sampling of the styles of major jazz violinists, from blues to bebop, from jug band to jazzgrass, from big-band swing to Texas swing. Tunes represent the styles of Stéphane Grappelli, Joe Venuti, Stuff Smith, Eddie South, Mark O'Connor, Benny Thomasson, Jean-Luc Ponty, and Darol Anger. Helpful jazz theory sections with exercises alternate with tunes that show how the theory works in practice. This book has two objectives; first, to present a broad, roughly chronological sampling of major jazz violinists and the styles associated with them, and secondly, to introduce the basics of jazz theory as applied to the violin. Whether consciously or intuitively, through critical listening or by practicing jazz patterns and exercises, the more knowledge of jazz you acquire, the better you will be able to think about the content of your playing without being bound by technical and theoretical aspects. This anthology was written to help provide that foundation. Interspersed with pragmatic jazz theory lessons, you’ll find 28 original tunes in the style of various jazz violin luminaries. The book ends with an extensive discography of recommended jazz recordings with a violin focus. Mandolinists as well as other instrumentalists will find a wealth of useful information in this outstanding collection. Delightful broadcast-quality recordings of the repertoire are available online. Includes access to online audio. Wirtten for intermediate to advanced violinists.

Detail About Deluxe Anthology of Jazz Violin Styles PDF

  • Author : Glenn Asch and David Reiner
  • Publisher : Mel Bay Publications
  • Genre : Music
  • Total Pages : 136 pages
  • ISBN : 1619118866
  • PDF File Size : 24,6 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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