Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum written by Florence W Vigilante, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum", which was released on 06 May 2016. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the Computers genre.

Summary of Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum by Florence W Vigilante PDF

Save time and trouble as you incorporate technology into your social work curriculum The dramatic increase in the use of computers and other forms of technology in social work education and practice has educators, trainers, and administrators investing valuable time, money, and effort into trying to make the transition from traditional teaching to a Web-assisted learning environment. Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum takes the mystery out of the online experience with practical information on using technology to enhance and enrich learning—but not at the expense of the “human” approach to social work. This unique book presents a variety of creative and interesting methods for incorporating technology that’s affordable and user-friendly, and for developing online skills that won’t become obsolete as computer hardware and software evolves. Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum transforms technology into an everyday resource for agency field instructors, human service educators, trainers, and social work administrators. The book addresses concerns that educators with limited technical skills may have in using technology to teach cultural competency, group work, research, direct practice, social policy and advocacy, and field practicum, presenting hands-on approaches that are innovative but accessible. And by focusing on approaches rather than simply reviewing available hardware and software, the book provides you with background knowledge that makes it easier for you to successfully incorporate online learning into the classroom. Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum examines using instructional technology to emotionally engage students in the learning process using digital video and qualitative data analysis software to teach group practice the role technology plays in advocacy distance-education technologies in policy education incorporating Web-assisted learning into a traditional classroom setting the advantages of distance education over more conventional approaches a model for planning the use and integration of computer technology in schools of social work how the behaviors of computer consultants can affect the students who seek their help using innovation diffusion theory in technology planning and much more! Social workers have traditionally embraced the latest technologies and scientific developments since the earliest days of the profession. Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum helps continue that tradition, offering invaluable guidance to educators and administrators, no matter how experienced—or inexperienced—they are in dealing with communications technologies.

Detail About Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum PDF

  • Author : Florence W Vigilante
  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Genre : Computers
  • Total Pages : 231 pages
  • ISBN : 1135430292
  • PDF File Size : 37,5 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum

Technology in Social Work Education and Curriculum
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  • File Size : 26,8 Mb
  • Release Date : 06 May 2016

Save time and trouble as you incorporate technology into your social work curriculum The dramatic increase in the use of computers and other forms of technology in social work education

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