A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy 1768 1772 Book [PDF] Download

Download the fantastic book titled A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy 1768 1772 written by Phillip Reid, available in its entirety in both PDF and EPUB formats for online reading. This page includes a concise summary, a preview of the book cover, and detailed information about "A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy 1768 1772", which was released on 18 April 2023. We suggest perusing the summary before initiating your download. This book is a top selection for enthusiasts of the History genre.

Summary of A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy 1768 1772 by Phillip Reid PDF

Uses rare surviving records, including fully intact logbooks, to situate the customs-enforcement interceptor Sultana within the wider picture of the British Atlantic in this crucial period. The small Boston-built schooner Sultana served as a customs-enforcement interceptor on the North American eastern seaboard in the period leading up to the American Declaration of Independence, when British taxation of American trade was a hugely contentious issue. As a typical workaday British American merchant ship taken into naval service, Sultana offers a rare opportunity to understand a technology of paramount importance to this world, where records for merchant ships are scarce, but where in this case a wealth of information, from plan drawings to the fully-intact logbooks, has survived. The book provides a detailed narrative of the ship's activities, and reveals the nature of life on board and the day to day business of operating a small sailing ship. It explores the technology of the ship and her sailing qualities as revealed by the ship's logs and also by the performance of a modern replica. In addition, the book situates Sultana's role within the wider picture of the British Atlantic in this crucial period. It is thereby both naval microhistory and also Atlantic history for all scholars interested in the formation and development of the British Atlantic world.

Detail About A Boston Schooner in the Royal Navy 1768 1772 PDF

  • Author : Phillip Reid
  • Publisher : Boydell & Brewer
  • Genre : History
  • Total Pages : 307 pages
  • ISBN : 1783277467
  • PDF File Size : 50,5 Mb
  • Language : English
  • Rating : 4/5 from 21 reviews

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